Will I have to give up my sleeping pills? Yes, most likely.Obviously, if the sleeping pills were working you wouldn’t be seeking this treatment.
Is this treatment still effective if I have another medical or mental health condition also? Yes, most likely.The treatment for insomnia (CBT-I) has been shown to be as effective with insomnia that occurs together with other problems as it is when treating insomnia alone.
Do I have to stay overnight? No. While you will need to be at our center for the treatments,you sleep at home in your own bed throughout unless you need aseparate sleep study. Do I need to go for a sleep study? Referral for a sleep study is only necessary in the event more information about your sleep problem is needed.Generally, this can beaccomplished by our assessment. Good Sleep is Necessary andRequired for Good Health!
How Can Dr. Meyers Help Me?
Step One:Assessment You begin with a full and extensive evaluation of the condition and those factors which may be contributing to your sleep problem.You will be required to complete a series of questionnaires, including a daily sleep diary, undergo a complete assessment and a review of relevant medical and mental health records.You may need to undergo an objective assessment of your sleep by actigraphy and/or byreferral to an overnight sleep assessment center.
Step Two: Treatment Behavioral Sleep Medicine (BSM), also known as CBT-I, has been proven to be an effective, long-lasting treatment for insomnia. Based upon the premise that psychological and behavioral issues play a large role in maintaining insomnia, your treatment will focus on those behavioral elements which have been proven to cause acute insomnia.
How Long Does the Treatment Last? Not including the assessment period, those accepted into the sleep program can expect to spend 8-10 weeks in treatment. Make an appointment to see Dr. Meyers.