“It’s just a sleep problem. It will go away on it’s own!”
“I’ll just learn to live with it -I can manage!”
The truth is, it is very rare that a chronic sleep problem will ever “go away” on its own. It is estimated that nearly 70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep disorder.The most common sleep disorder is Insomnia. Insomnia is diagnosed when a person hasdifficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or getting sufficient restorative sleep. Not getting enough sleep is associated withnumerous chronic diseases and conditions,including, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,obesity, and depression.It is no surprise that getting enough sleep is an essential part of maintaining your good physical and mental health. When You Don’t Get Enough Sleepeverything you do is affected.Since your ability to concentrate may decline, you are more prone to automobile accidents or errors at work or home and experience decreases inattention.There is also a susceptibility to crankiness and irritability, mood changes, headaches, gastric distress, decreased energy and increased fatigue.
Sleep is Supposed to Make Us Feel Good and Rejuvenated. If you do not feel rejuvenated after waking or tire easily during your normal wake time, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder.
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